We move into the analysis phase of our study of The Book Thief.
You can usually expect a videoconference online at the time we would usually have English each period (You’ll see Thursday is an independent day for you this week) – and all the relevant information and materials you’ll need will be posted here on the class blog (as always!).
Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or are having challenges getting to class.
This Week’s Timetable
Monday 20 April, Period 3
Meet in the online video conference. Today we’ll examine and provide critical feedback to a number of your analytical paragraphs. We’ll then return to one of our course’s central questions: “What is Magical Realism?” Let’s see how confident we are in our understanding of this classification.
Tuesday 21 April, Period 4
Meet in the online conference. Research: We’ll agree what specific lines of inquiry will help us illuminate the text and assign these to each other in pairs.
Thursday 23 April, Period 1
Independent Collaboaration. Working with your research partner, devise a 2-3 minute presentation in your assigned line of inquiry. You can make a film, a written research summary posted on your blog, a data presentation, a podcast – do an interview. The form of the presentation will be entirely up to you.
Friday 24 April, Period 2
Meet in the online conference. Present your research to the group.
- Video Explainer – The examination of language in The Book Thief
- Wide Reading Assignment Outline – I’ll explain the parameters of this optional project on Thursday.