The Book Thief
Today and this Easter we’ve agreed to get on with completing the reading The Book Thief. I encourage you to set some time aside every day to make progress with this lovely novel.
Today I will be available on the class discord server to read aloud with anyone who would like to share the reading experience.
Piper and I will also be getting together regularly over the holidays to read aloud together – we will let you know when we plan to do this so you can join us if you like – maybe Lauren, Ethan, Thomas and… could drop by and help with the reading?
Remember, while you’re reading, you’re strongly encouraged to annotate as you go. You can have a look at my exemplar of this annotation here and this post about literary categories is also worth a re-look.
I’m fully contactable over the holidays. Be invited to get in touch any time – even just to say hello – and do think about joining Piper and me for our reading sessions!