Completing practise papers is a core element of preparation for final exams. Write them in one session, under timed conditions (90 minutes) and by hand. If you scan or photograph your paper and upload it to your blog I will be notified and give feedback.
31st August 2020


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2016 Exemplars:

2016 Sample Question Booklet


2016 Sample Resource Booklet


The poem Cloudburst, by Kevin Ireland explores how people respond to natural disasters. People truck on, and they use a variety of coping mechanisms to do so, from making light of the situation to comparing to other traumas to try to gain perspective.

In order to explore how people have responded to a flood that resulted from a biblical deluge, Ireland has used personification, listing, and metaphor to bring a tone of optimism to the event.

Ireland reveals his true intention when he personifies the act of fate inherent in natural disasters like floods, “Misfortune uses us lightly / We now have a millennium to lie back”. He shows his optimism using the mild irony of his deliberate mis-representation of probability, suggesting that since they’ve had a “once in a thousand year flood”, they can now relax for a millennium free from the anxiety that this will happen again.

2016 Sample Marking Rubric


2016 Sample Excellence Exemplar


2017 Exemplars:



Glossary of Language Features

Download (PDF, 59KB)

Thoughtcrime Podcast

Listen to this course’s companion podcast to help make sense of everything you find published here


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